Holistic Coaching 4Life


In the realm of manifestation, the SATS method, attributed to Neville Goddard, stands out as a powerful technique for gaining mastery over one's reality. However, its efficacy often eludes many due to misunderstandings and improper execution. In this article, we delve into the essence of the SATS method and explore how to wield it effectively, unlocking its transformative potential.

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All transformation begins with an intense, burning desire to be transformed.

The first step in the 'renewing of the mind' is desire.

You must want to be different and intend to be before you can begin to change yourself.

Then you must make your future dream a present fact.

You do this by assuming the feeling of your wish is fulfilled.

By desiring to be other than what you are, you can create an ideal of the person you want to be and assume that you are already that person.

If this assumption persists until it becomes your dominant feeling, the attainment of your ideal is inevitable.

Neville Goddard

Understanding the SATS Technique

SATS, an acronym for "state akin to sleep," constitutes a meditative state of relaxation crucial for manifestation. This method involves two primary steps: inducing a state akin to sleep and vividly imagining a desired scenario, thereby signaling the subconscious mind of its attainment.

Why SATS is Potent

SATS transcends mere visualization; it offers a profound glimpse into an alternate reality, setting the stage for transformative manifestation.

By aligning with specific principles governing the subconscious, SATS becomes a conduit for materializing desires into tangible outcomes.

Preparation and Practice

Before embarking on a SATS session, clarity regarding the desired outcome is paramount. Crafting a succinct mental scene portraying the fulfillment of the desire primes the subconscious for reception. Additionally, initiating SATS sessions with manageable goals fosters a belief in the manifestation process, paving the way for larger aspirations.

Executing the SATS Technique

The process begins with inducing a state akin to sleep, where the conscious mind relinquishes control, allowing for seamless immersion into the desired scenario.

It's imperative to embody the scene with conviction, engaging all senses to heighten the realism of the imagined experience.

9 Key Principles for Success

Central to the efficacy of SATS are several guiding principles, including the law of reversed effort, concentration, and emotional resonance.

Understanding and adhering to these principles form the bedrock of successful manifestation, ensuring that desires take root in the subconscious and blossom into reality.

  • 1. Principle of Imagination: At the core of Neville Goddard's teachings is the power of imagination. He emphasized that the imagination creates reality and that we can mold our experiences through the images we hold in our minds.

  • 2. Principle of Assumption: According to Neville, assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled is crucial for manifestation.

    By embodying the feeling of already having your desire, you align yourself with the frequency of your manifestation, making it more likely to materialize.

  • 3. Principle of Feeling: Emotion plays a significant role in manifestation. Neville taught that feeling is the secret ingredient that gives life to our desires.

    By infusing our visualizations with strong positive emotions, we amplify their manifestation potential.

  • 4. Principle of Faith: Faith is the unwavering belief in the fulfillment of your desires.

    Neville emphasized the importance of having faith in the creative power of your imagination and the certainty that your desires will manifest in due time.

  • 5. Principle of Persistence: Consistency and persistence are key aspects of successful manifestation.

    Neville encouraged individuals to persist in their imaginal acts and maintain a steady focus on their desires, regardless of external circumstances.

  • 6. Principle of Revision: Neville introduced the concept of revision, which involves mentally revisiting past events and reimagining them in a way that aligns with your desired reality.

    By revising past experiences, you can reshape your present and future outcomes.

  • 7. Principle of Detachment: Detachment refers to the ability to let go of attachment to outcomes and trust in the universal flow.

    Neville taught that holding onto desires too tightly can create resistance and hinder manifestation.

    True manifestation occurs when you release control and surrender to the process.

  • 8. Principle of Gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful manifestation tool that Neville often emphasizes in his lessons.

    By expressing gratitude for what you already have and for the manifestation of your desires, you open yourself up to receive more abundance from the universe.

  • 9. Principle of Action: While manifestation begins with the power of the mind, taking inspired action is also essential.

    Neville advocated for aligning your actions with your desires and seizing opportunities that arise in pursuit of your goals.

Integration and Repetition

Consistency is key in the practice of SATS. Regular sessions, ideally conducted before bedtime, reinforce the desired outcome within the subconscious. Repetition fosters the gradual internalization of the desired state, propelling one closer to its realization.

Embracing the Journey

While SATS offers a structured framework for manifestation, it's crucial to maintain a receptive mindset throughout the process. Cultivating an attitude of expectancy and trust in the unfolding of events amplifies the potency of SATS, ushering in profound shifts in consciousness and lived experiences.


The SATS method holds immense potential for those seeking to harness the power of their subconscious minds. By embracing its principles and committing to consistent practice, individuals can unlock a pathway to profound transformation and actualize their deepest desires.

Dive Deeper into Personalized Coaching

For individuals seeking tailored approaches to manifestation, my 1:1 coaching offers tools and techniques to craft a succinct mental scene with personalized exploration aligned with your unique preferences and temperament.

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